Dash For Cash Joins Rodeo Results

We welcome Dash For Cash Productions to the Rodeo Results Platform. Put Dash For Cash on your calendar if you’re in the greater Renault, Illinois, area.

Like Rodeo Results, Dash For Cash values camaraderie, merit, and consistency in performance. Rodeo Results has literal measurements for these values, and having Dash For Cash onboard will further contribute to this data on our platform.

We spoke with Dash For Cash after their trial event and had the opportunity for some Q&A. Below are our questions and their answers.

Questions #1). How long have you been producing Barrel Races?

Answer: 5 plus years

Questions #2). What software have you used before Rodeo Results, and how long have you used it?

Answer: I’ve used an assortment of them. Mainly SPG for 2- 3 years.

Question #3). What caught your attention about Rodeo Results/what ultimately led you to try it?

Answer: The word of mouth of how user-friendly it was.

Question #4). What are your first impressions of Rodeo Results?

Answer: it’s mind-boggling. It does more for me with less. That’s not something I’d ever thought possible.

Questions #5). What do you appreciate most about Rodeo Results?

Answer: Mostly I appreciate how easy the program is. This program has many pluses to it.

Question #6). What would you say to other producers about Rodeo Results?

Answer: What I would say is do it. This is the only program that wasn’t a pain to use the first time. I’m all in for Rodeo Results.

If your producer isn’t using Rodeo Results, forward or show them this email! Rodeo Results “does more” for producers with less.

If you have questions about the Rodeo Results, contact us here. If you want to try Rodeo Results, producers get their first event free! Get started here. The app is free for all riders and spectators. 🙂

- The Rodeo Results Team 🔵🟣⚫️