Welcome Ross Barrel Racing

For the riders who’ve bombarded us on getting Rodeo Results into northeast Texas, we welcome Ross Barrel Racing!

The next time you race in the Tyler, TX area, ask yourself if the producer uses Rodeo Results. No other platform brings the industry together like we do.

We want to thank you, the riders. Your word of mouth and encouragement made Ross Barrel Racing try Rodeo Results. See their feedback below.

If you race in northeast Texas, speak up and tell producers about Rodeo! You have more power than y’all realize.

Questions #1). How long have you been producing barrel races?

Answer: Been a racer for 34 years but this is new to me.

Questions #2). What software have you used before Rodeo Results, and how long have you used it?

Answer: I had no software before Rodeo Results. A racer recommended It, and once she said to try it many others did as well. So I did and so far really like it.

Question #3). What caught your attention about Rodeo Results and ultimately led you to try it?

See Answer #2

Question #4). What are your first impressions of Rodeo Results?

Answer: my impression is it definitely a game changer. Helps on so many levels. With marketing, tracking times and standings. It’s very convenient.


Questions #5). What do you appreciate most about Rodeo Results?

Answer: I appreciate that it allows racers to see where they stand, what pay outs were and it leaves no questions. As well as helps the producer in so many was from pay outs to standings. Helps eliminate little errors.


Question #6). What would you say to other producers about Rodeo Results?

Answer: They should try it. It will make your life easier in so many ways.

If you’re a producer, we invite you to try Rodeo Results. Producers get their first event free! Get started here.

If you have questions about the Rodeo Results, contact us here. The app is free for all riders and spectators. 🙂

- The Rodeo Results Team 🔵🟣⚫️